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CG Tea Wiki Welcome, please have a sip. CG Tea Wiki Welcome, please have a sip.

A small wiki that collects notes, scripts, setups and documentation for VFX artists and TDs.
Wanna spill some CG tea? ☕

Introduction and motivations

Hey there!

This website - which one day may actually be worthy of the "wiki" label - was created to collect some personal RnDs, notes and more-or-less useful things that I discovered, or that I was introduced to by friends and colleagues.

Inspired by tokeru and other very cool websites that were (more or less) born with the same principle in mind, I hope this big hotpot may eventually be useful to people that find themselves banging their head against the same wall(s) I had the pleasure to bonk into already.

The contents of this wiki will be various: you'll find DCC specific stuff (Houdini mainly), but also concepts that are common across the CG and VFX universe as a whole.

Long story short, this is an online notebook, be aware that the quality of what's posted here will very likely depend on the mental status of the person writing it in that moment.


At the moment the website is under construction, I'm still trying to figure out how GitHub Pages work. I hope to fill it with useful stuff soon.
It may be very messy in the meantime, expect some placeholder pages.

In addition to the nonsense I'll be plopping here, I hope some friends will soon start to join me in this small adventure, sharing their own discoveries and, more likely, rants (you have no idea how far down the vellum rabbit hole some people can dig while still being able to walk home at the end of the day).


i'm on vacation and bored

Hope you'll find something useful!


Giacomo Balma

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